File Attribute Viewer
Saturday, 8 February 2014Its is a useful Application to see hiddden attributes of a file for ex.. is it a system file ,readonly or something else.
To do this first of all we have to take some java component given below
all though it is a GUI Application or Program
- jButton
- jLabel
Now On jButton1ActionPerformed we have to write down this code
private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
JFileChooser jfc=new JFileChooser();
jfc.setCurrentDirectory(new File("C:/"));
int a=jfc.showOpenDialog(null);
String hg=jfc.getSelectedFile().toString();
String lines;
Process procs=Runtime.getRuntime().exec("attrib "+hg);
BufferedReader binput=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(procs.getInputStream()));
while ((lines = binput.readLine()) != null)
if (!lines.trim().equals(""))
lines = lines.substring(0);
}//if ends
} //while ends
catch(Exception esd)
}//open dialog if ends
Now The filterme function
public void filterme(String getline)
boolean b=getline.trim().startsWith("S");
String one=getline.substring(0,6);
hamja(one.trim()); //Here calling hamja function with parameters }
Now The hamja function in this function we Filter the parameters sent by filterme function you can also use switch case for this but I have used if,else
public void hamja(String exten)
else if(exten.equals("S R"))
System.out.println("Its System Readonly");
jLabel1.setText("Its System Readonly");
else if(exten.equals("SH"))
System.out.println("Its System,Hidden");
jLabel1.setText("Its System,Hidden");
else if(exten.equals("S"))
System.out.println("Its System");
jLabel1.setText("Its System");
else if(exten.equals("H"))
System.out.println("Its Hidden");
jLabel1.setText("Its Hidden");
else if(exten.equals("R"))
System.out.println("Its Readonly");
jLabel1.setText("Its Readonly");
else if(exten.equals("A HR"))
System.out.println("Its archive,Hidden,Readonly");
jLabel1.setText("Its Archive,Hidden,Readonly");
else if(exten.equals("A"))
System.out.println("Its archive");
jLabel1.setText("Its archive");
else if(exten.equals("A SH"))
System.out.println("Its archive,system,hidden");
jLabel1.setText("Its Archive,System,Hidden");
else if(exten.equals("A H"))
System.out.println("Its archive,hidden");
jLabel1.setText("Its Archive,Hidden");